Saturday, January 2, 2010

Creative Inspire 100102

Day two of this Creative Inspire series. Today's inspiration comes from Kelly Burfield. I'll admit I'm a little bias on this one as the piece is actually test footage shot on a Canon HV30 and I own a HV20. That said, I'm constantly amazed at the quality of footage that people are putting out on a simple $600 Camera. I think this is a good example of what can be achieved with good lighting and a little colour grading. Way to go Kelly, you made me want to get my camera out more often.

Ryan Snider

Friday, January 1, 2010

Creative Inspire 100101

Welcome to 2010! 2009 was great for me and I've got high hopes for this year as well. Just about a week before '09 came to a close I had an idea to blog out a daily link of something that inspired me to be creative. I spend a lot of time on the net and I'm constantly finding inspiration around every corner I turn in the real world. I thought it might be nice to share some of the treasures I come across, in hope's that it might inspire you to do something creative as well.

The links can range from animation, music, photography, design, illustration, film, a cool quote, a demo reel... really this could go on forever. Basically if I found inspiration in it to be creative, it's eligible.

I'll do my best to have these out daily and as early as I can get them out, but cut me some slack if I miss a day or two here and there because I'm busy. It's all good and it's all for the fun of it.

I thought it would only be right to have the first piece be the one that actually was the inspiration to start this project. This one comes curtsy of Strukt Design Studios in Austria. When I found this it made me want to go out and buy a video projector. Digital wallpaper is such an ill concept and I can't wait to see how far people take the idea in the future.

To find out more about the digital wallpaper project check out this page on Strukt Design Studio's website.

Hope you enjoy!
Ryan Snider